As everything changes with time so the popularity of data base. Currently, MongoDB is the most used data base by developers because they don’t need to use two different data base for client and server code. It is simple and easily programmable because it has document oriented storage. To install and use is the easiest in MongoDB. The most attractive thing about MongoDB is that there are no restrictions on schema design i.e., two different documents can be put together in a collection. So through the schemaless document you can store any kind of information.
Most attractive feature of MongoDB is its ability to handle large unstructured data. MongoDB is an extremely fast data base. Developers switch to MongoDB when they have high availability of data with automatic and immediate recovery. If you are willing to reduce your schema cost due to unstable schema, MongoDB is the best platform for it.
If you are planning to learn MongoDB then you must go for it. I2tutorials is the place you can trust upon. I2tutorials’ MongoDB tutorial is very comprehensive and easy to understand. I2tutorials provides you completely authentic tutorial certification to build your career and expand your knowledge. In this kind of technical field you need to be updated with every new out comings and i2tutorials is certainly the most updated one.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, has compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow. AWS simply store your all files on the cloud and gives you an easy access anywhere anytime. AWS is widely used by the companies which have variety of workloads such as game development, data processing, warehousing, development and many more. In AWS you can choose servers according to you.
There are many kinds of cloud service providers in the market to compete with AWS but AWS is still the best because of its user friendly management. AWS has become broadly adopted cloud platform and has gained its most popularity in the last year. Due to this popularity AWS tutorial has become one of the most searched tutorials on search engines. I2tutorials makes you learn AWS to nourish and expand your data base knowledge. AWS tutorials prepare you for your career and make you potential to compete in this technical world of programming. I2tutorials’ prepare its lessons to explain every point from the very basic to the subject’s core. I2tutorial is a known name in the field of data science where you learn and grow simultaneously.
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Why you should learn AWS? 4 years, 11 months ago